- 办公地点: 化生楼506
- 办公电话: 010-62334516
- 电子邮件: gongmin@ustb.edu.cn
- 本科课程: --
- 研究生课程: --
- 科研方向: 静电纺丝,生物医用材料,柔性电子学器件,功能纤维
- 社会职务:--
1.Min Gong, Pengbo Wan*, Di Ma, Mengjuan Zhong, Meihongliao, Jingjing Ye, Rui Shi and Liqun Zhang*. Flexible breathable nanomesh electronic devices for on-demand therapy. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, 1902127.
2.Min Gong, Chenlin Huang, Yuelong Huang, Guangping Li, Jingjing Ye, Wenqi Xie, Rui Shi*, and Liqun Zhang*. Core-sheath micro/nano fiber membrane with antibacterial and osteogenic dual functions as biomimetic artificial periosteum for bone regeneration applications. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 2019, 17, 124-136.
3.Min Gong, Cheng Chi, Jingjing Ye, Meihong Liao, Wenqi Xie, Chengai Wu, Rui Shi*, Liqun Zhang*. Icariin-loaded electrospun PCL/gelatin nanofiber membrane as potential artificial periosteum. Colloids and Surface B: Biointerfaces 2018, 170, 201-209.